I lost 36 years of my life to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, and I am tired of seeing people who are misdiagnosed and lost and locked away and I can't understand it is so SLOW to catch on. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE SWALLOWED UP BY SO CALLED PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSIS?
This checklist saved my life. It only takes TEN of those SYMPTOMS to have a diagnosis of TLE and YES, YOURE RIGHT. MOST PEOPLE HAVE SOME LEVEL OF IT.
I BEG YOU, if you are taking "psychiatric" medications, please show this checklist to your doctor and see how you score on it.
Actually, you can check off symptoms yourself and go to your doctor and ask him or her WHY they don't know about this?????
The most important question is "Do you have smell hallucinations?" and if they aren't asking that you need to ask why!? Smell illusions are the first sign of a neurological disorder.
Autism = TLE
Depression = TLE
Schizophrenia = TLE
"Bi-polar, or manic depression" = TLE
Alzheimer's Dementia = TLE
Wake up and smell your neurons burning!!
PS If you are in NJ or environs you can contact my MD directly: Peter S. Mueller, MD PA
609-924-4061 OR come to a FREE friday night information group -- fridays from 5 to 7 pm.
601 Ewing Street, Suite B-3, Princeton, NJ 08540
The sad thing is that the doctors have their hands too far in the pockets of the psychiatric drug companies' pockets to think of any of this. I've been diagnosed with various "emotional" disorders over the years and the only relief, besides herbal, I've ever got form pharmaceuticals was from seizure medication. When I was small they actually tested me for epilepsy due to strange temper tantrums I had. Now, I just live my life carefully, analyzing my emotions and thoughts for what is "real" and what is "chemical."
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post, most people don't think twice about the diagnosis they get from their doctors
I've never heard of this, thank you for spreading the word.